Sunday, June 16, 2024

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JV Contact Secrets

JV Contact Secrets

When I first started out in online business (coming on 7 years now) I was one of the most annoying people you could have met on your travels. If you knew your business facts, I’d ask you about everything you can possibly think of, from list maintenance, making sales, traffic, joint venturing, you name it, I would have asked you. It’s this single factor that I attribute to the success I’ve seen online.

There was always one question though that I was particularly interested in.

It was a simple one, although not quite as simple to answer as it was to ask. This question was “Hey, I saw the massive launch of your site the other day. I hear you secured a circulation of almost half a million on launch day, how did you manage it?”.

Apologies to those in that I asked this over and over again, every single time they launched a product, but hey who wouldn’t, after all, what would a circulation of half a million on your product launches mean for your sales? Anyway..

The answer was always the same.

Joint ventures they told me. So my next question was “Right, so you go out and find all those who are successful, and send them offers and deals trying to get access to their promotion material for free right?”. I always got a straight answer to that one. ‘Yes’. That is, always but once. There was only one guy that gave me the full story.

What he told me changed the way I approached successful joint venturing forever. Here’s what he said to me;


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