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Blogging Cash System

Blogging Cash System

Here is what you'll learn from this guide in detail....

Part 1 - Choosing a Topic
- Niche Research- Keyword Research
Part 2 - Setting Up Your Blog
- Remote Hosted vs. Self-Hosted Blogs- Getting a Domain Name and Hosting- Installing Wordpress- Optimizing Wordpress

Part 3 - Creating Great Content
- Content Writing Tips- Using Private Label Rights Content- Autoblogging- Adding Video to Your Blog
Part 4 - Monetizing Your Blog
- Adsense- Affiliate Links- Your Own Products- List Building

Part 5 - Traffic Generation Strategies
- Blog Commenting- Submitting To Directories- Submitting RSS Feeds and Pinging- Social Bookmarking- Article Marketing- Video Marketing- Web 2.0 Sites- Social Media Sites
That's Over 50 Pages of Solid, High Quality Blogging-For-Profit Training!
Click Here To Order Now!
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Can you imagine the first time that you roll out of bed at the crack of noon and flip open your PC to see that hundreds or thousands of dollars in payments, made out to YOU, have been sent to your accounts while you were asleep?
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So, when you make the commitment to yourself to succeed today, you'll get everything mentioned above all for the low one time investment of only $47!
'Clickbank Cash Blogs'7-Part Video Training Course
This is 1 Hour and 25 Minutes of additional Blogging Trainingat no extra cost! 
>Video 1 - Getting Started & Tools You Will Need
In this video you'll learn what you need to get started, including tools and what to expect.
Running Time 4:15
>Video 2 - Finding Profitable Products To Promote
Finding profitable products to promote from Clickbank's marketplace is one of the most important steps. In this video you'll learn how to use Clickbank's stats to pinpoint a high converting product. You'll also learn a few tips that will allow you to use your own judgment on whether the product will truly convert well or not.
Running Time 14:05
>Video 3 - Purchasing a Domain Name and Redirecting To Your Affiliate Link
If you haven't setup your first website, then purchasing a domain name is the first step. But no worries, we aren't going to be learning about HTML in this video. You'll learn how to use tools to find creative yet available domain names that you can use to save time. After you purchase your domain name, you'll learn how to use it to redirect to your Clickbank affiliate link.
Running Time 7:43
>Video 4 - Setting Up a Quick and Easy Blog and Posting a Review
In this video, you will learn two things: how to setup a blogger blog and how to write a review about the Clickbank products you have chosen. You will learn two different ways you can write your review. By knowing this, you can pick and choose what is best for you.
Running Time 18:00
>Video 5 - How to Write and Submit Press Releases
In this video you'll be given resources that will allow you to write better press releases and we'll use examples of press releases to show you easy it is. After we go over the writing part, you'll learn about different press release sites that you'll want to start submitting too, some are free and some are paid.
Running Time 18:24
>Video 6 - Using Article Directories and Squidoo
In this video, you will learn about article directories, what's available and how to use a simple concept when submitting to article directories to gain tons of backlinks. Squidoo lenses are a great way to drive traffic to your sites, so we'll go into this as well.
Running Time 14:26
>Video 7 - Three Other Traffic Generation Strategies
In this last video int he series you will learn about three other traffic sources that can use to boost your traffic even further.
Running Time 8:25
We are so sure that you're going to be fully satisfied with this package and the extensive services provided, that we are removing all of the risk on your part with our full 60 Day, money back Guarantee

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