Saturday, June 01, 2024

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Stress Extinguisher

Stress Extinguisher

Living in the world today has become increasingly overwhelming – there’s no secret there.

Stress and anxiety can appear to take control over our lives and as a result, render us helpless and trapped.

It’s far too easy to get caught up amongst all of the drama in life and let those stressors determine just how we live.

I’ve personally dealt with a debilitating anxiety disorder that was agitated and brought on by the excessive stress in my life.

This “illness” impacted me in so many ways for years, and as a result, I found myself feeling largely ill-equipped to cope with even the smallest issues that came upon me.

That was, until I figured out how I could manage my stress and anxiety effectively.

No hocus pocus or magic nonsense.

It was an ongoing struggle for me, but the first initial step was learning how to deal with stressful situations that could trigger my anxiety and panic.

I had to spend way too much time and money on doctors and therapists to acquire those “tools” that enabled me to live a truly fulfilling life.


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