Sunday, May 12, 2024

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Push Notifications Plugin

Push Notifications Plugin

You’re doing everything right.

You’re adding new content on a regular basis.

You’re targeting your posts to your ideal reader.

You’re even spending time (and money) to create social-media friendly graphics for each post.

So why are you still struggling to grab the attention of the very people who need and want to read your content?

The answer is simple: there is just too much competition, and it’s causing our attention spans to shrink to barely perceptible levels.

Not only that, but for many blogs, content is time-sensitive. That coupon offer you post about today might be irrelevant next week…or even tomorrow! If you don’t capture your audience’s attention today, they might just miss out on something important.

That’s why blogs come with a built in feature to allow readers to “subscribe” to your posts, but there’s a problem…



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