Saturday, May 04, 2024

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Backend Profit Multipliers

Backend Profit Multipliers

I have a quick story to share with you, so sit back, take 30 seconds to read the next 5 paragraphs, and if you don’t learn something new that will benefit your business, you’ll never hear from me again.

So here I am, almost seven years into my online marketing career, looking at my experience in one hand, and the products I bought in the other hand, and I’m sighing, very, very loudly.

What on earth were they thinking?

I spent over $30,000 on these products, not to mention thousands of hours reading other peoples stuff, and you know what? There’s a pattern that recently started emerging that I have no doubt will interest you. Check it out: After experiencing everything that I’d apparently been taught about online marketing first hand it became obvious. They only told me half the story.

Man, that got me mad. Ever get that feeling..

It’s that little feeling that you get when someone doesn’t quite give you the whole picture. They tell you just enough to give you an idea, but you can somehow just tell that there’s far more to be had and they’re holding out on you.

For example, did you know..

That your list, the all profitable list that almost every single marketer (aside from the few that know what they’re talking about) is trying to tell you is the most important resource you can ever have, and should be *the* number one priority for you to be building if you ever want to be a success? They couldn’t be more wrong. It’s actually the 5th most profitable resource you have at your disposal.

Did I also mention..

That your list on it’s own is almost useless without the other four resources in place to prop it up? So here’s the thing, if you’re reading this right now, and the biggest thing in your mind is ‘Must build a big list to be successful’ or ‘Need 30,000 subscribers to take home the $20,000 per month pay cheque I want’ you have been miss-informed, like so many of us have been to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars (just like my example above).


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