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RSS 2 Email

Sick and tired of watching by the sidelines as the A-list bloggers make all the money?
Discover How You Can Make A Six-Figure Income From Your Blog Using Little-Known "RSS to Email" Tactics - And Print Money on Auto-Pilot!

Step-by-Step Video Tutorials
RSS 2 Email
RSS 2 Email

Though our simple yet powerful step-by-step video instructions, you'll discover:

create feedburner
How to Sign-up for FeedBurner & Set-up Your First RSS Feed

FeedBurner is the "de facto" subscription tool for any blogger, and you need to use it to manage your RSS feeds.

In this video I reveal how to start a FeedBurner account and create your first feed, as well as the important optimization options you need to know about.
redirect feedburner
How to Redirect your Default WordPress Feed to FeedBurner

In this video, I show you how to redirect your default WordPress RSS feed to FeedBurner, so you'll never miss a single subscriber ever again!

Discover which WordPress plugins you need, as well as step-by-step instructions on making a perfect migration.
aweber introduction
Fast Start Guide to Aweber and Email Marketing

This videos reveals everything you need to know about using Aweber for the first time.

In this simple "walk through" you'll discover all the key components of Aweber in the shortest time possible.
aweber trial
How to Get A New Aweber Account for just $1.00

Although you can sign-up for the regular Aweber package, I'll reveal how you can get started by paying just $1.00 for your first month.

Why pay more when you can easily use Aweber's $1 coupon, and spend the rest of your hard-earned cash on something else?
aweber setup
Setting Up Your First Aweber Email List in Under 10 Minutes

In this video I take you by the hands and show you how to set-up your first Aweber list - from naming your list right up to creating a web form to capture names and email addresses.
blog broadcast
How to Create a New Blog Broadcast

Before you can use "RSS to Email", you'll need to set-up a "Blog Broadcast" in your Aweber account and link it to your blog's RSS feed. I reveal exactly how to do this and the most important things to avoid.
aweber in wordpress
How to Put Aweber's Opt-in Forms to Your WordPress Blog

In this video you'll discover how to get your Aweber optin form codes, and put them in your WordPress blog's sidebar as well as in individual posts and pages.
aweber case study
Real Life RSS To Email Case Studies Revealed

In this video, you'll get to see real-life examples of bloggers who have successfully used RSS-to-Email techniques to build a subscriber list of thousands. See how they do it, and steal their strategies for your own campaigns.
getresponse free
How to Sign-up for GetResponse for FREE

A great alternative to using Aweber, GetResponse also allows you to use RSS to Email strategies. I'll reveal how it works as well as how to sign-up for a FREE GetResponse account. Get started in under 5 minutes.
getresponse set-up
How to Create a GetResponse "Blog Announce" List

I'll take you step-by-step to create your first GetResponse list, syndicate your latest blog posts using the "Blog Announce" feature, and put the optin codes on your WordPress blog.


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