Saturday, June 01, 2024

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Kunaki Automator

Kunaki Automator

CD+DVDAutomator makes sales for you so you never have to print, package or ship CD's or DVD's yourself ever again. All of a sudden, delivering CD's and DVD's (even sets!) can become as easy as selling a downloadable product!

CD + DVD Automator is a PHP script that makes it easy to sell and deliver your CD's and DVD's 100% HANDS-OFF! Using CD + DVD Automator you can sell your content, scripts, software, videos and more through PayPal then have them burned, printed and delivered to your customers automatically by's fulfillment service! You never have to burn CD's or DVD's, print the CD /DVD jackets and inserts, label, package or drag your packages to the Postal Office ever again!

This flexible script allows you to sell and deliver your CD and DVD as easily as selling an ebook or digital product using's XML service.



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