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Exit Profit Generator

Exit Profit Generator is an easy way to squeeze more profit out of your exit traffic
Exit Profit Generator
Exit Profit Generator

 Exit Profit Generator is a small php script you can use to generate mini 'exit traffic marketers' for as many websites you want. As soon as the EPG gets a sense someone is about to leave your site it jumps into action, funnelling the traffic where you want it to go before its gone forever.

You can generate an infinite number of these "mini marketers" and put them on any web page you want. All you have to do is add one line of JavaScript code to the web page. So easy to do, even a caveman can do it! :)

Once you have your HTML ready for your popup, it will only take about 30 seconds! And not to worry, full directions are provided.

You can now preview the overlay images and simply choose the one you want with the click of a radio button!

You now have a "Test" button to see what your popup will look like before you add it to your website!

You can now choose how many times your popup shows up per visit: always, 1 time, 2 times, etc!

"If You Can Click, Copy, and Paste, You Can Use "Exit Profit Generator!"

Step One

Simply choose what size you want the popup screen to be, what color background and border you want for the popup, what URL you want to load when it pops up and what color you want behind the popup. Then simply press the button!


Step Two

Click the "Test" button to see how your popup will look on your site. If you like it, now just copy the generated code and paste it in between the tags on your web page.

That's it, you're done! Now all you do is just upload your edited page to your server and watch as your mini "exit marketers" start increasing your profits immediately!

Here are just some of the ways you will benefit
when you start using 'Exit Profit Generator' today!


Build Your Opt-In List - Mention whatever free gifts you give away to get more people to opt in to your list.

Promoting Affiliate Programs - Make sure everyone knows about the latest affiliate program you're promoting just as they try to leave your site.

Special Offers - Offer a discount or additional bonus to encourage those who were on the fence to order your products, your conversions will jump thru the roof!

Pre-built Salesmen - Give your affiliates EPG code they can add to their websites to promote your products. They're happy because they increase their commissions, and when they make more money, you do too.

Exit Surveys - Ask your visitors why they are leaving and you'll get all the information you need to improve your offer and increase your profits!

Building Anticipation - Get people buzzing about an upcoming promotion of yours. Give them a little taster of what they can expect to see soon.

Audio / Video Messages - Load audio or video messages to remind your prospects of your products main benefit or what they stand to lose by not taking action immediately.


[no] Has Private Label Rights
[yes] Has Master Resell Rights
[yes] Has Giveaway Rights
[yes] Has Resell Rights

Additional Details

[yes] Can be Offered As a Bonus to a Paid Product
[yes] Can be Bundled with other products
[yes] Can Be Sold on Auction Sites
[yes] Can be Included in Paid Membership Sites
[yes] Member Requested Product
[yes] Type: Templates, Graphics
[yes] Type: Software
[yes] Source Included
[yes] Graphics Included
[yes] Sales Letter Included


icon Exit Profit Generator (1.24 MB) 

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