Saturday, June 01, 2024

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My Keyword Crook

My Keyword Crook

Think about it! A Software Program that instantly draws in thousands of keyword phrases that some poor soul has spent hours if not days researching and gathering together . Then, as if by magic it spits out the unwanted parts and leaves you with exactly what you want. A Massive list of Highly Targeted Keyword Phrases, ready to be used for profit.

What's Involved in using this?

Pretty Simple --
1. Find or Come Across a Large Keyword Page Site
2. Place the URL into Keyword Swipe
3. Hit GO and watch it Spider in all its Pages
4. Hit Extract and Wala.. You have a Goldmine of Keyword Phrases!.

"12 Powerful Reasons why "My Keyword Crook" is so Effective"* It Complies Massive Keyword Lists in Minutes! without spending a Dime!

* It Extracts Only the Keyword Phrases and Leaves the Rest
* It Saves you Hours of Time Consuming Keyword Research
* You can minimize it to your tray and continue working
* You decide what keyword Phrases to extract
* It works on .HTML and .PHP sites
* You can whip out More Directory Sites Faster
* You can build more highly targeted Directory Sites or Article Sites
* You can create larger and more focused PPC Campaigns
* You can Spy on your Competitors Pages and Equal the Playing Field
* You can add to your current keyword lists, unique and potentially valuable terms
* With its user friendly interface even a Non Techy could you use it

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